By Walter Sanders
Lining the main streets of Sulmona are shop after shop selling confetti, the confectionary for which the town is famous. It sounds simple: start with almonds, pistachios or hazelnuts and coat them with multiple layers of molten sugar cane syrup.
This dessert artistry has been evolving since Roman times when almonds were coated with honey. The results are magnificent. They are edible mosaics, work so detailed, artistic and well-executed that they fool your eye. Of course these are real flowers . . . no, they are confetti.
Confetti Pelino, which dates form 1783, operates a museum of the craft at their factory at Via Stazione Introdacqua 53-55.
Hi I would like to buy these delicious confetti – is there someplace in Wilmington, DE USA where they are sold?
Thank you.
Ciao, Evelyn,
If you search Google, some confetti sales sites come up. I’ve never bought confetti here in the U.S. so I cannot vouch for them. Also, if you have a local Italian food market, you could ask the owner to get some for you!