Time stops when you’re in Tuscany. I have proof.
Three weeks ago, Walter and I left Pennsylvania to host our tour program at Villa Pipistrelli on the Montestigliano estate. The temperature was chilly. Not a bud or bloom were to be seen.
I returned yesterday to an unchanged landscape.
Time does stop when you’re in Tuscany!
Okay, so I’m exaggerating a bit. I do see a few brave daffodils and maple buds shivering outside my window.
- I tulipani rossi (red tulips)
- Il glicine (wisteria)
- I fiori di primavera (spring flowers)
But for Eastertide, I prefer to pretend I’m still in Tuscany among all the lovely spring blooms.
These comments put into words what these photos look like to me—what a beautiful spring retreat. Keep that spirit alive!
What an amazing time we had on the spring Tuscany Tour at Villa Pipistrelli. It’s As though we were transported away to the Tuscany in my fantasies, although it was totally real, and better than anything I ever dreampt of!!
Sharon and Walter carefully and thoughtfully planned events, trips, and experiences that will stay with me for a lifetime. Wine tasting came to us while we enjoyed an outdoor art class over-looking the rolling hills of Tuscany. We also had cooking classes, cheese making demonstrations, olive oil tasting, wildlife and foraging expeditions,then used the greens we gathered to create a wonderful meal. Speaking of food, my palate has never been treated so well. Top-notch chefs are in house to prepare breakfast, lunches, and dinner, if we didn’t actually make the meal ourselves. Two trips to local Siena and Arrezzo to experience the history , architecture, and culture of the people.
The amenities at the villa were modern and convenient but in keeping with the history of the villa. Surround yourself with the people we were blessed to share our tour with, and you have an experience to remember.
Don’t hesitate on this one. It’s a calm , laid back approach to the beauty of experiencing Tuscany, just like the people of Tuscany live their lives on a daily basis.
Thank you Walter and Sharon for creating an experience we never could have, for ourselves.
Magnifico!!! Grazie!!
Sharon and Walter understated the richness of the Italian experience they planned for an April week in Tuscany. Pipistrelli is incredible. The staff at Montestigliano was attentive to the max. The planned activities were well thought out, better than any summer camp could be. Come to think about it, this was summer camp for adults … with wine! If a wonderful week in Tuscany is on your bucket list, this is a must do.
Hugs to you two, Wow and thanks.